Yes, this ... alien landscape is in Limassol!

It looks like a lunar landscape with its flat rocks and concentric circles shaping the rocks, the sea disappearing behind the fog and lights in the distance appear pale and otherworldly. But the photo was not only taken on the earth, but in fact it reflects a landscape just right here next to us, in our neighborhood. The peninsula of Akrotiri seems to keep surprises and delights that we could not even imagine.

This artistic picture has been captured by Charalapos Kouloumis and his camera, while gazing the half sunk ship in sea in that area. The old shipwreck in Akrotiri creates decades a striking images, combined with the wild natural beauty of the area. It is, in addition, a popular destination for divers who enjoy the underwater scenery, too. The wreck of a maximum depth of 7 meters is suitable for diving. The remote area around it is also ideal for aerial sports.

Akrotiri never ceases to surprise us, since it offers unexpected emotions and emerges as an excellent option for day trips away from the city. For monitoring, recording, and protecting the fauna and flora hosted in the habitat of the Cape, the role of Akrotiri Environmental Education and Information Centre is especially important. In the area this season many migratory birds make a stop, such as ducks and flamingos, which enrich the life in the habitat and work as an attraction for nature lovers. The Cape's marsh also hosts permanently several animals and plants of the Cyprus nature, one hardly encounters any more on the island.

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