The world's first diesel car, is located in Limassol!

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The world’s first diesel car was a three-wheeled vehicle that looked more like a large tricycle.

The great-grandfather of Mercedes Benz, made its way to Limassol in 2019, giving everyone a chance to experience the evolution of cars up to the present day.

The car was built with its diesel engine placed behind the seat, and instead of a steering wheel, it had a lever that turned the wheels to the left and right.

The engine delivers 1 horsepower and it can run up to 16 km/h. The car's interior consists of a leather seat and a wooden floor, as it was accustomed to carriages at the time. 

Carl Benz’s model was declared a World Heritage Artefact by UNESCO, and 180 carbon copies were reproduced and distributed to the world’s biggest museums.

One of these copies has made its way to Limassol, and it has taken up residence in the Cyprus Historic and Classic Motor Museum.