New age for the Arts of Limassol

Pattichion Municipal Theatre’s opening is approaching after a five year renovation. It’s expected to reopen late November and its Director, composer Vasos Argyrides, is preparing the schedule of the events which will be presented at the opening. 

All necessary checks and tests are now being made on technical lighting, sound and stage, while recruiting the appropriate team. 

Theatre wishes to organize high quality cultural events and attract audience from all over Cyprus, with a greater vision to become the centre of artistic and cultural planning. 

Mr. Argyrides noted that the technical equipment available takes Pattichion image beyond the one’s of just a local theatre and that the theatre can now serve all the cultural needs, not only of Limassol Municipality but of the entire island, giving the possibility of developing a variety of art activities, musical and dance performances, concerts and other form of artistic expression and art events in general. 


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