Lemithou Village

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Lemithou is a mountain village in Limassol, nestled in the Marathasa valley, a few minutes from Prodromos. It is located 65 kilometers from the city, and with an altitude of 1200 meters, it is one of the highest villages in Cyprus. 

The lush green valley located between the mountain peaks of Troodos, creates a majestic landscape of wild vegetation with oak trees, plane trees and aromatic shrubs, while the water also supplies the nearby orchards with fruit trees (such as apple, cheery and peach trees).


The village appears to have existed in this area since the Middle Ages. Some sources claim that it was around during the Frankish period, while French historian Louis de Mas Latrie states that Lemithou was a royal estate during Venetian times.


There are 2 versions regarding the name of the village. Some attribute the name to the lemithi plant, which was abundant in the area. Others claim that the village owes its name to its first inhabitant, who was called Lemithis because of his long, stringy beard that was reminiscent of the Lemithi plant.

Though its inhabitants had always been mainly farmers and laborers who were not particularly financial comfortable, the village was fortunate to have benefit from generous benefactors. The most famous are Anastasios G. Leventis and Demosthenes Mitsis.

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The old reservoir was donated to the village by Demosthenes Mitsis.

Leventis Ancestral Home

The family home of A. Leventis, is one of the most impressive examples of architecture in the village. Today, it is used as a museum, and from its balcony one can gaze out upon the valley, across which the orchards of Lemithou are spread, with a view that reaches as far as Paphos.

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Mitsis Commercial School

Demosthenes Mitsis was involved in the production and trade of cocoons and silk threads. He wanted to utilize his property by establishing a model commercial school in the village, which first began operations in 1912 and continues to function to this day as a secondary school. Thousands of children and youth from the Limassol mountain regions owe their education to this school, which is still maintained by the legacy of its great benefactor.

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When musician and educator Costas Kakoyiannis was first appointed to the Mitsis School, he discovered Lemithou’s beautiful graces and not only decided to settle permanently there, but also to create an arts center there, along with a publishing house. Parakentro, as the center is called, also hosts a recording studio that supports young artists, while its literary publications are varied and garner plenty of interest.

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Aside from being a work of art, the establishment of the center also resulted in the impressive restoration of a deserted house, which dominates the center of the village today.


Church of Panagia Iamatiki: The central church of the village is located near the Leventis house. The church houses the icon of Panagia Iamatiki (the Healing Virgin) from the 17th century.

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There is a path that begins in the area, leading to the spot from where the holy water of the Virgin Mary flows.

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Church of Saint Theodoros: A church from the 16th century, with a wooden roof, that overlooks the entire village. Today, it houses the iconostasis, upon which are displayed icons from the Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods, from the 13th to the 19th century.

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Saint Nicholas Chapel: This humble little chapel is located just outside the village, and its courtyard is used as the village cemetery.

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Saint Georgios Chapel: This church was recently rebuilt with funds from Giorgos and Smaragda Syngelou, expatriates from Lemithou, and it hosts a service on 23 April, on Saint Georgios’ name day.

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CYTA Station – Prodromos Forestry College Route: This trail ascends towards the Forestry College, passing through 3 kilometers of rural road. Anyone who treks this path will be rewarded by impressive views of the valley, as well as sightings of the Berengeria Hotel of Prodromos at certain points.

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Lemithou – Prodromos Nature Trail: A 3.5km long trail which ascends through the pine forest towards the village of Prodromos. The starting point is just outside of Lemithou.

Lemithou – Saint Georgios Nature Trail: This trail starts just outside of the village, on the border with the Paphos Forest. It is 2 kilometers long in the direction of the village of Treis Elies, and crosses through areas of wild beauty.

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Expatriates Trail: Just before one reaches Panagia Iamatiki, to the left they will see the start of a paved path that was curated by expatriates of Lemithou. At a length of approximately 1 kilometer, this trail descends to the Kontos river, where one can see talk oak trees among the pine trees.

Iamatiki Church – Monument Trail: Just a few steps east of the village church, there begins a short path that crosses through the village to the Monument of the Missing and Fallen.


Themis House (99 461330)

Forest Park Villa (99 566036)

Orosthea - Cottage Style Living (99 195961)

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