Apostle Andreas church (Mesa Yitonia)

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A church dedicated to Apostle Andreas (the Saint after whom dozens of thousands have been named) is found the most central spot of Mesa Yitonia. This church has been associated to the wish of freedom among the people of this island.

The church was built in 1956, at a time when the struggle of the people of Cyprus from their emancipation from the British rule was taking place (1955 – 1959). There is a stone found on the wall inside the church, which reads ‘For the freedom of struggling Cypriots’, connecting the temple with the hopes and dreams of the residents of this country.

The church is built in the type of a cross-shaped basilica with a dome. Inside the temple, some truly stunning murals decorate the dome and its arcs. After its implementation, the church was renovated to look the way it does today. Its yard is the area that hosts a folklore festival on the 29th and 30th of November every year, on the occasion of the celebrations for Apostle Andreas.