Where to go and what to do in Limassol: A week full of melodies of jazz, rock and an exhibition for future mothers

It might be that carnival is gone but the fun at Limassol continues unstoppably. Starting from the music appearances of artists, events for all music tastes will take place from one edge of the city to the other.

Cretan traditional songs, melodic jazz and uplifting rock will fill the skies of the city with the singers Valantis and Costis Maraveyias entertaining the audience, by performing all their hits. After the many musical wanderings, you are given the chance to travel to magical Ithaca with Odysseus as a captain. If then again you are tired for such a long trip, you can travel somewhere closer. What would you say for an all day adventure in the picturesque villages of Kourris valley?

This week is full of exhibitions, as this following weekend the Baby Show 2017 will take place, which refers to all parents and future mothers. An exhibition with handmade products will also take place, which is of interest of all ladies who are fans of accessories. Individuals with artistic sensitivities will have the opportunity to meet the internal universe of the artist Kleanthis Michael, who will present images which represent personal internal experiences, which he had named as ‘Internal Galaxies’.

Check here all the events of the week.