OPENING: Limassol's new, impressive dining venue!

* NOTE: All the tributes of All About Limassol (as the Official Guide of Limassol) aim to ONLY highlight the special advantages of this wonderful city, so that everyone can be aware of the unique Experiences it offers. Under no circumstances do they have any promotional or nominal value, nor do they serve the interests of Companies, Municipalities, Organizations or Individuals.

A new venue has opened since a few weeks now in Limassol, aiming to create a new option for dining in the city. Spacious, with modern design, cozy sitting area and attention to detail, this new restaurant has become a special and tempting new destination. 

A traveler from Lebanon, who came with his boat in Limassol, recognized in the city an ideal location to bring the experience he has with restaurants in his own country. The result was Beirut Grill, a place that combines the tasty options of a fast food joint, with an environment suitable for relaxing moments with family and friends.

Fresh meat and vegetables, with the unique flavors of the Middle Eastern cuisine, from specially trained chefs and grillers, are served daily from 12 at noon until 12 at midnight, for those looking for a quick, delicious and stylish option for lunch or dinner. Thus, favorite dishes of the Lebanese cuisine, in fulfilling portions and imaginative combinations, found a new spot at Yermasoyia tourist area.

The restaurant has areas suitable for smokers and noon smokers, just as spacious and cozy in both cases, for any hour of the day.

Address: Corrner of Vasileos Georgiou A and Ambelakion Streets
Contact number: 96 263 334