VIDEO: The full moon rose in a purple sky at the snowy Troodos

It could be a painting, some watercolor creation like the ones by Bob Ross, when the colors are spread with large brush strokes on canvas, creating an almost metaphysical landscape. But this is not a painting, the scenery is absolutely true and the moon is indeed there, emerging white and clear through the colors of the winter sunset.

The contrast of white with pink and purple hues in the blue sky that darkens slowly, is not an image that you can easily see in Cyprus. The presence of the full moon that seems to reflect the color of the landscape, makes it even more rare, as its white disc is rising above the trees.

The first full moon of the year was certainly the most beautiful winter full moon we have seen this winter. Even though the day dawned Friday the 13th - a jinx date some would say - the view from last night can only generate beautiful and optimistic feelings.

Photos: Ferenc Isatu

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