The first steps of the New Cyprus Airways

The official launch of the New Cyprus Airways can be foreseen by the end of the year, or in the beginning of 2017. The Russian company Charlie Airlines has been set in charge of the airways’ management, after defeating the other candidates in the bidding of July 2016. The company is currently undergoing a period of assessment held by the Civil Aviation Authority.

In addition to the many points and documented procedures that must be satisfied, there will also be technical inspections and evaluations of two airplanes; both of which are bound to arrive in Cyprus very soon.

For the time being there is no confirmation, nevertheless the Russian company S7 (mother company of Charlie Airlines) has proposed flights to Russia, Europe, North Africa and to the Middle East.

Attempts to recruit the right staff are already being initiated as ads have been published concerning airhost vacancies.

S7 has committed themselves to a 10-year contracted agreement with Charlie Airlines, for the amount of 2.04 million euros. 

From Daphne Lambi

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