The Crazy Masks strike again at the established evening parade!

In an attempt to preserve the custom of ‘pellomaska’ (crazy mask), the Limassol Municipality in cooperation with the newspaper ‘Lemesos’, host the evening parade of pellomaska, on Tuesday 21st of February.

The commencing of the parade will take place from the Heroes Square at 8 p.m. and it will finish at the Medieval Castle Square, where the Tuesday Dance Ball, the established carnival party with music and dance, will take place. The parade will lead this year’s carnival queen, Maria Pieri Sykopetriti, who will be dressed in a crazy mask too.

Competition for Crazy Masks and Smart Masks will take place during the night, with the 3 best disguises receiving awards. The event has as ultimate purpose the preservation of the identity of Limassol carnival, reminding to the older ones and simultaneously teaching the younger ones of how the carnival in our city was celebrated in past decades.

Put the event in your schedule and do not miss the chance to have fun with all your heart and to burst into laughter by the view of hilarious and crazy disguises as well.   

Check here more events of the Carnival.