Sonorous names from the international scene in the 7th Limassol Economic Forum

On October 21st at the Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol what challenges the global economy in 2017 will come to the forescene. The Limassol Economic Forum, which takes place for the 7th year, has become an important platform for discussion on political, economic and business issues in Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean.

Focusing on the key issues concerning the international and European economy, the Forum highlights the challenges which an economy that expects some growth in the coming period has to encounter. 

The refugee flow, ISIS, the United Kingdom's decision to leave the EU and the rise of far-right parties have affected the economic development as a whole. Economists, politicians, corporate leaders and other decision makers across the continent will discuss issues and trends affecting the European economy.

In particular will be discussed

  • Global economy and the challenges for 2017
  • Managing Immigration in Europe
  • Geographical issues and the Economy
  • Europe’s Future: Fragmented implosion of Greater Integration
  • The Refugee Crisis: Europe’s Ultimate Stress Test
  • Financial stability, financial services and capital markets union
  • European politicsand economics

The Economic Forum of Limassol hosts this year sonorous global names. Among them will be:

  • Harris Georgiades, Minister of Finance
  • John Bruton, former Irish Prime Minister, Ireland
  • Michael Imeson, Contributing Editor, The Banker, Financial Times Group, UK
  • Dirk Reinermann, Program Manager of Southern Europe, World Bank Group• Jakob Wegener Friis, Head of Unit, Economic and Financial Affairs DG, European Commission
  • Jan Schildbach, Director & Head of Banking, Financial Markets and Regulation, Deutsche Bank Research, Germany
  • Professor Jon Danielsson, Director of Systemic Risk Centre, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
  • Stephen Fidler, Brussels Editor, The Wall Street Journal
  • Kyriakos Mitsotakis, President, New Democracy, Greece
  • Pablo Casado Blanco, Member of the Parliament, Deputy Secretary General, Partido Popular, Spain

The Forum adresses senior government and business executives, regional directors of companies, investors, policy makers, economists and people of Cypriot and international media.

The procedures will begin at 8 am and will conclude at 2:40 pm, followed by a reception.

Organizers: Magazine IN Business and IMH                                     
Cooperation: Cyprus LSE Alumni Association

For additional information and for the program click here


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