Approximately 40 people from the Akrotiri Youth, coordinated be Ifigeneia Chrysanthou, with the support of organized groups of the Akrotiri area, the Trachoni scouts and the Akrotiri Environmental Education and Information Center, rushed to the area of the old ship wreck at the Akrotiri peninsula, picking up hundreds of pounds of garbage.
The campaign on Sunday, April 2nd, managed to gather enough people willing to contribute to the cleanliness of an area, which, apart from the unique landscape and the view it offers, is a haven for many species of flora and fauna. Apart from the traces the unscrupulous visitors leave behind, the region suffers from garbage coming from vessels, drawn to the coast from the open sea, due to the strong winds.
The effort of the volunteers was particularly effective. Having formed a rather strong team, they managed to remove 4 trucks and 150 bags in total full of garbage, from the shipwreck area in Akrotiri. Construction materials, papers, bags, and even drinks packaging from the 90s in the area, were permanently removed, leaving the field spotless and clean, ideal for walks and excursions in the nature.