PHOTOS: Indeed, they went for a trip on the snowy Troodos with a canoe!

Saturday dawned with an urge for trips on the mountains, since the snowy Troodos is a tempting sight these past few days. Thus, a group of friends (known for their adventurous choices) loaded a canoe on their vehicle and drove up to the slopes.

The sight of the vessel in the middle of the white landscape did raise some questions, but it had a very reasonable explanation. The weather during the past few days did enrich the water supply in the rivers and the dams at Limassol's mountains. So, for Cyprus from Air team, such a trip should include hiking in the snow, as much as rowing in the dam, under the bright sun.

After all, it is a known fact that Limassol allows someone to reach the mountains within a half hour drive from the seaside. So, this group had the opportunity to enjoy the mountain landscape on the slopes, as well as the sunny canoeing, in the same day, withing a few minute time.

Photos: Μάνος Botrini

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