On stage: ‘The woman who cooked her husband’ revealed in Limassol…

Hilary’s story has a lot to say about how far a woman can go after she has been a victim of infidelity. Various forms of revenge may have occupied women’s who have been cheated minds, but Hilary’s case is so extreme, that it turns into a black comedy.

Cyprus Theater Museum hosts “Premier Theater” with the play “The woman who cooked her husband” by Debbie Isitt, translated by Yola Klitou and directed by Maria Theocharidou, on Friday December 16th at 8:30 om.

Hilary, Kenneth’s ex-wife, invites him and his lover, Laura, for dinner ready to take her revenge by cooking him… It is a comedy with hilarious and simultaneously tragic scenes, with intense dialogues, in a fast pace.

Reservations at 25 343 464 – Limited seat number.
Tickets: €10

Director: Maria Theocharidou
Assistant Direcotr: Androu Sofia
Scenery: Kypros Katsiamis
Customs: Maria Theocharidou
Choreography: Charis Chistodoulou
Playing: Maria Theocharidou, Iacovos Iacovou, Marvia Mavrovouniotou

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