Limassol produces one of the best Christmas wines!

In a special tribute with the top options for festive wine, with strong and sweet flavor that fits the Christmas season, there is a wine produced in Limassol.

The wine column by Jancis Robinson in the Financial Times, lists the top 25 wines for Christmas, among which a wine produced by Kyperounda Winery. In fact, the writer has included the Kyperounda Commandaria 2008 as one of the finest options for wines that accompany festive dinners.

Commandaria is presented in the article as Cyprus’s historic unique sweet wine from sun-dried grapes, mainly local white Xynisteri grapes. The fact that it isn’t too alcoholic is noted as one of its advantages, along with the notes of orange peel in its taste.

Find out more about the ancient history of commandaria wine here.