Series of free courses in the Russian language and the art of photography for beginners are offered by the non-profit organization (NGO) «KEY». This organization, through voluntary action, having as an objective the development of culture and arts, invites those interested to take courses in Russian and photography.
Both the photography courses, and the Russian lessons will take place at the headquarters of the organization in 7 Epikourou str. in Limassol, close to Pentadromos. The photography courses are on Wednesdays 6 pm - 7 pm and Russian lessons every Monday 6:30 to 7:30 pm. The classes begin on Monday 16/1 for Russian and on Wednesday 18/1 for photography. Also, on Wednesday 18/1 at Avozo coffee shop the NGO brings together learners with native speakers in order to provide an opportunity to learn more about the language and the classes.
The photography courses include: managing your camera, composition and other photographic elements, types of photography (portrait, landscape, still life), recognition of quality photo features, visual literacy, basic editing programs, using photographic knowledge in everyday life. The courses concern beginners and intermediate level photographers.
The Russian lessons are intended for beginners and aim to impart basic knowledge to enable oral and written communication in the Russian language, to open doors for getting to know a new culture, but also for professional development.