The highest score among 208 research proposals for the EU research program “Teaming for Excellence” secured 2 proposals by the CUT. The 2 first proposals MedSTACH and EXCELSIOR stood out by achieving the highest score in Europe, getting a total 15 out of 15 ("Excellent") and tying on the first place of the European ranking.
These proposals were submitted by the Engineering and Technology Faculty of the CUT and are coordinated by Professors Phaedon Kyriakides (MedSTACH) and Diophantos Hatzimitsis (EXCELSIOR). These proposals have secured a substantial European funding to implement the first phase of the program, also gaining a prosper ground for a successful evaluation in the second phase, and an opportunity for funding of €15 million.
The aim of MedSTACH project is the creation of the Center of Excellence "Eastern Mediterranean Science and Technology Centre for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage". It aims to establish Cyprus as a hub of excellence in archaeology and cultural heritage in the region of the Eastern Mediterranean, building interdisciplinary research and technological innovation. The project EXCELSIOR (ERATOSTHENES: Excellence Research Center for Earth Surveillance and Space-Based Monitoring of the Environment) aims to create a Research Center of Excellence, having as foundation the current dynamics of the Research Center of Eratosthenes of the CUT. The aim is to research in areas related to earth observation, and thus to highlight the strategic position of Cyprus.
Out of the 9 proposals in Cyprus, which were granted European funding, the first 2 in rating proposals are intended for the Cyprus University of Technology, but the University is also involved in yet another proposal as a partner.