Free buses to the Old Port and a new parking lot at the Limassol city center!

Measures for the traffic relief at the city center and the seafront will be in effect soon. The Limassol Municipality will apply on a pilot basis the Park and Ride measure and the use of the new parking area at the First Urban School.

From Friday, 14/4/2017, the public will be able to board on the buses of the urban bus company, performing the route 30, from the bus stop opposite the parking areas of Enaerios and Pafilia. The ride to the Old Port will be offered for free, while the passengers will also get a return ticket, to use it on their way back to the parking area.

The same will apply for those moving towards the Old Port area from the opposite direction, from the bus stop opposite the parking spaces, at the junction of Franklinou Roosevelt and Demokratias street, at the area of the Water Supply Service of Limassol. This measure will apply for Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 6 pm.

Also aiming to facilitate the access to the city center, the School Board will offer the northern parking lot at the First Urban School of Limassol (behind the District Administration building) for the public to use it for free. This arrangement will apply from Friday 5 pm to Sunday midnight. The area will have lights on, there will be no guard and the doors will open automatically on Friday 5 pm and Sunday midnight respectively.

The route from Enaerios to the Old Port.

The route from the Water Supply Service to the Old Port.