Do you recognize the plant that colors the Easter eggs red?

Rubia tinctorum, for the people rizari, is a humble bush with a long history and an important role for the human civilization. At the Easter time you will find it anywhere, but you only see its roots. It is this characteristic root with the bright, red color, which you will need to slightly crash for its color to come out and turn your eggs red.

The official name of the plant is Rubiacea or coloring Rubia (tinctorum). Rizari used to be particularly useful in the past, since it was suitable for coloring threads. Its color mainly consists of alizarin, the name of which also produced the popular name of the plant. It has been known for its use since the prehistoric times, as shown from the analysis of coloring elements.

The plant grows small, white flowers and dark red, round fruits, but its most recognizable part is the orange – red color of its root. Apart from coloring clothes, the plant is also known for other, therapeutic uses, for patients with kidney and bladder stones, for urinal infections, for combating rachitis or irregular menstrual cycles and more. It is considered diuretic and laxative.

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