You definitely know the place. Surely you have enjoyed at least 1 coffee, tasted the delicious dishes of its menu or relaxed with a drink at the bar. You may still have a photo of the inside or outside of this impressive place, located literally above the sea.
What you may not know is that the place was awarded as the best new venue in Cyprus. The café restobar, Pier One, located in the area of Limassol's renewed Old Port, seems to have won people over, since its early days of opening.
It is with great pride then, that Pier One has managed to win the first prize as a new venue at the Stoli Awards for 2016. The place came first in the Original New Venue category, leaving more than 20 venues from all the districts of Cyprus, behind.
The Stoli Awards, by Stolichnaya Vodka, is being held for the sixth consecutive year and is now established as an institution for the distinction and promotion of the best entertainment venues in Cyprus. This year's award ceremony took place on 18th of May 2017 in Nicosia.