Unique view: Limassol from a helicopter is something else!

We may experience the city from day to day, from the beach, the main streets, the villages and the fields, the salt lakes, the habitats, the ports and factories. However, no matter how we live in it, we cannot grasp its actual dimensions. When you look from above, everything looks different and acquire a newfound perspective. Without any doubt, the city and the district of Limassol, as seen from the helicopter are even more impressive.

The police helicopters and rescue teams fly over the city almost daily, using existing helipads on buildings and organizations such as the Limassol General Hospital. From the height at which they fly, they can monitor what is happening on the ground and the sea, performing their duty regardless of celebrations and holidays. At the same time, however, the members of these groups enjoy a view that is extremely rare for any of us, if not completely unknown.

A member of such a group regularly makes sure to transfer the view from up there with pictures of unique beauty. Thus, he shares with us the positive side of his job, keeping the difficulties just for himself and his colleagues. The last flight was even more special, since Limassol and its surroundings shining after several days of rain offered a view of greens up to the point the sea begins.

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