PHOTOS: These are the brand new facilities of the CUT in Limassol!

The expansion of the CUT north to the historical center of the city is about to be realized, with the implementation of the first building that has been constructed in the area of the Old Limassol Hospital, where the "Pole B" of the Cyprus University of Technology development is planned. This is the Rehabilitation Clinic, the construction of which began on August 31st in 2016.

The university's clinic will be the first Rehabilitation Clinic in Cyprus and Greece, which will offer the first university degree in Speech therapy in a public university in Cyprus. Being a pioneer in the fields of Speech and Hearing, the Cyprus University of Technology will be in a position to provide clinical services to children and adults in Limassol and the entire district.

Furthermore the clinic will be a way for the students of the Rehabilitation Department to be trained in a proper model on internship. Finally, the clinic will be a way for the university to attract local and international funding for research. The inauguration of the University Clinic will be taking place in the mid December.

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