VIDEO: International interest for the observatory on Troodos, inspired by... Star Wars!

The majestic design of the NASA observatory on Troodos has the international media talking about it. The observatory, designed by Kyriakos Tsolakis Architects firm is an innovative construction, housing something more than just an observatory, but in fact an entire, modern space research center.

Of course, what has actually attracted attention from around the world is the fact that the image of the observatory has references from some kind of a futuristic ship, as if taken out of a sci-fi movie. The curve of the dome, intersected by the horizontal and diagonal lines of the rest of the construction, has a sense of the settings of… Star Wars.

The news piece in Travel & Leisure, the international travel portal, based in the USA, illustrating this new observatory, which is expected to provide valuable information to NASA about the space, has been indeed the result of some kind of obsession with the legendary series of movies by George Lucas. The architects that designed it, Nicodemos and Elena Tsolakis, fans of the Star Wars movies, designed the construction inspired by the imagery created in their minds by the stories and the settings. The result, of course, is ideal, since it actually manages to stand out from the natural environment of the area, while preserving simple and harmonious lines.

Check out the tribute video created by Travel & Leisure about the observatory: